Closing Words from the Entos Partners

It is the last official day of the ENTOS project and the partners are reflecting on the past two and a half years they have spent together.

ENTOS Newsletter 4 -Events Announcement: ENTOS is COming To YOU !

ENTOS Newsletter 4 -Events Announcement: ENTOS is COming To YOU !

As the project enters its last month, the partner teams are putting up a last event in each of their countries to showcase the great work accomplished through the ENTOS project over the past two years. 

Entrepreneurship is considered a professional sport. Do you know why?

Entrepreneurship is considered a professional sport. Do you know why?

Entrepreneurs act like sports athletes in a business context, says Kerwin Rae in an interview at The Growth Manifesto podcast.

How an idea turned into reality!

How an idea turned into reality!

The significant part of our ENTOS project was dedicated to processing an idea of how to join entrepreneurial education with real sports activities, how to create a new methodology and find ways to implement them into real sports activities. So we made really hard work from desk research to creating amazing intellectual outputs. And here we go!

Why is entrepreneurial education so important?

Why is entrepreneurial education so important?

Living in the 21st centiry brings a lot of challenges. Keeping up with all the skills and competences required by current dynamic society to stay wanted and successful in the labour market is just one of them.