How an idea turned into reality!

How an idea turned into reality!

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The significant part of our ENTOS project was dedicated to processing an idea of how to join entrepreneurial education with real sports activities, how to create a new methodology and find ways to implement them into real sports activities. So we made really hard work from desk research to creating amazing intellectual outputs. And here we go!

The week from 21 to 25 November 2022 came with the training activity. The coordinator, Obchodná akadémia in Nitra, hosted the project partners and the participants of a great training activity. P.E. teachers, trainers and professionals could feel and test the platform and training package „on their own skin“. The participants made an excellent team, they got familiar with the EntreComp framework and attended a short theoretical introduction for each of the 5 modules, they trained themselves and finally agreed that our efforts had not been useless as the methodology can really work.

On the other hand, the attendance of 40 students was perceived very sensitively. It has been known that the generation of contemporary high school students has different interests and priorities and sports activities or exercises are not often among them. Their training was expected with a kind of tension as their reaction was rather unclear. 

However, the training activity turned into a success. Whilst module 1- Learning Through Experience with acroyoga had been supposed to be the most difficult one, participating students proved they liked facing new challenges and they got excited with acroyoga at the very first moment.

After the first day of students' training, it was sure that the strategy would work for the other modules, too. So they were successfully trained for coping with uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk, creativity, taking initiative, awareness, and self-efficacy as well.

The training activity seemed to be innovative and attractive for the National Agency of coordinating country and we were honored by their visit. Our activities were catching and so the two nice ladies became an active part of some activities. This fact brought some new energy to our hard-working team.

The feedback from participating students was positive and it seems that training entrepreneurial skills and competencies through sports activities and exercises might really become real in the context of physical education lessons in European schools.
