Closing Words from the Entos Partners

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It is the last official day of the ENTOS project and the partners are reflecting on the past two and a half years they have spent together.

The ENTOS project has brought many opportunities for collaboration, reflection, creation, and overcoming challenges, giving the partnership a real experience of entrepreneurial thinking. During the project, the partners combined their knowledge, skills, and attitude to develop impactful and meaningful intellectual outputs. These outputs will remain available to all on the ENTOS website for the years to come, so do not hesitate to keep visiting to download our materials. 

Closing Words from the Lead Partner, Obchodná akadémia Nitra, Slovakia
Since the beginning, we believed this would be a great project. And it was!
Even though the pandemic changed our plans, we got to a successful ending. We could not meet as project partners usually do and we worked just online without meeting each other, we could feel positive vibes from all the partners. It was a real challenge to coordinate such a project. It was hard work and during the pilot LTTA we realized what a great job we had done.

ENTOS methodology has changed our approach to P.E. lessons. The training package is found to be a useful tool to lead P.E. teachers on their way to innovative sports lessons. We have positive feedback from a number of different institutions and we believe it will be adopted by many schools. And that is absolutely great!


Closing Words from the Lead Partner, Education In Progress, Spain
ENTOS was a project idea we had in 2014, and when we finally got the opportunity to implement it, all of us were extremely happy and proud. These years have been hard, especially working together during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was not easy to cooperate with foreign partners without the opportunity to meet each other and better understand each other, our expectations, and our intentions. But in the end, we got it! We have created a very valuable method and during the LTTA in Slovakia, it was an amazing event to test how much students appreciate it. We hope we can continue cooperating to develop other competencies related to the EntreComp framework within the ENTOS methodology. It really deserves it!


Closing Words from the Lead Partner, PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS, Greece
The University of Thessaly is proud to have been a part of the ENTOS project and to have contributed to the development of an innovative approach that empowers sports teachers to incorporate entrepreneurship education into their lessons. Through our participation, we have gained valuable insights into the intersection of sports and entrepreneurship, and we have had the opportunity to collaborate with partners from across Europe.

The ENTOS course is a tangible output of the project, and we believe that it will have a significant impact on sports teachers and their students in the future. By equipping teachers with the skills and knowledge to develop innovative sports activities, we are not only promoting entrepreneurship education but also fostering creativity and critical thinking in our students.

Looking ahead, we envisage ENTOS will continue to grow and expand as more sports teachers adopt an entrepreneurial attitude in their lessons. We hope that the project will inspire other organizations to explore the potential of sports as a platform for entrepreneurship education, and we are excited to see the impact that this innovative approach will have on the future of education.


Closing Words from the Lead Partner, Panevėžio mokymo centras, Lithuania 
The project idea seemed inspiring and challenging from the very first moment. ENTOS project managed to overcome various challenges during its implementation period – such as covid19, working online, and not having the possibility to meet project partners in the face–to–face mode. Despite all these obstacles but due to fantastic partnership and cooperation ENTOS was a great success especially when we were able to see the final result during the piloting phase in Slovakia with great involvement and interest from participating teachers from project partner countries and Slovakian students. Hope that the created ENTOS methodology will be widely used not only by physical education teachers but also will be adapted in other educational activities.


Closing Words from the Lead Partner, Consorzio Materahub, Italy 
The ENTOS project was a great opportunity for Materahub to expand our knowledge and experience with the ENTRECOMP framework. As part of the ENTRECOMP network, it is always interesting and exciting for Materahub’s team to explore new ways to apply and foster entrepreneurial competencies. Developing entrepreneurial skills through sports is an important topic for educators and students alike, and we are proud of what we have accomplished along with our partners throughout this project. Partnering with schools, universities, and organizations from Slovakia, Spain, Lithuania, and Greece, gave us a great insight into the ways entrepreneurial skills are seen and welcomed in the field of physical education. We take all of what we learned through these two years and are looking forward to keeping sharing the ENTOS methodology locally.
